
Claims management
Claims management
for insurance companies, repair shops and car dealerships
Creation of expertises
Creation of expertises
SilverDAT documentation with photos, handle report and sketch
Authorization procedures
Authorization procedures
for technicians and companies including support for VAT registration
of companies and internal technicians

Claims management for insurance companies, repair shops and car dealerships


Hailtec GmbH is a dynamic and flexible company. The coordination of the technicians, who work nationally and internationally, means that the vehicle can be repaired quickly and sustainably. In the case of major events, the expertise can be prepared on site and the repairs can be carried out in a coordinated manner.


Our internationally active technicians go through a quality control before each assignment. Quality controls are also carried out by the management during the assignment for Hailtec GmbH.

We have access to 50 technicians who meet our quality standards.

The claims management

Order transmission via e-service

Order transmission via e-service

Make an appointment

Make an appointment

Assess the vehicle and create an expertise

Assess the vehicle and create an expertise

Coordination of technicians

Coordination of technicians

Repair of the vehicle

Repair of the vehicle

Invoicing to insurance

Invoicing to insurance

Basic package
Variant A
  • Assess damage, create a handle report, hail repairs on site, at the garage (depending on capacity) or at Hailtec's headquarters, the garage takes care of the dismantling and assembly work, ordering spare parts and invoicing the insurance company
Premium package
Variant B
  • Collection and delivery service, damage assessment and repairs at the company headquarters, Hailtec takes care of the disassembly and assembly work as well as sending the calculation and photos to the insurance company (via eService), garage is responsible for ordering spare parts and invoicing the insurance company
All-in-one package
Variant C
  • Collection and delivery service, damage assessment and repairs at the company headquarters, sending the calculation and photos to the insurance company (via e-Service), ordering spare parts, invoicing the insurance company, commission for garage

Creation of expertises and calculations


The company Hailtec GmbH has trained employees for the creation of expert opinions. A SilverDAT documentation includes photos of the damage, handle report and sketch.


The expertise is sent either by e-mail or via e-service to the insurance company or garage.

Authorization procedures for technicians and companies

Being allowed to work in another country usually requires a lot of bureaucracy. Hailtec GmbH supports the technicians and companies in ensuring that all documents are available and that the activity carried out is legal in the target country. Missing documents result in high penalties.


There are two different options to work in Switzerland. One possibility is the registration procedure for short-term employment and the other is to apply for a permit. Important documents that should be available are a valid identity card and the A1 form.

The A1 form is a certification that the owner only has to pay social security contributions in the country where the A1 form was issued.

VAT registration

All companies that are either based in Switzerland or provide services in Switzerland and generate sales of at least 100,000 francs per year from taxable and tax-exempt services in Switzerland and abroad will be subject to mandatory VAT in Switzerland from January 1, 2018.

Hailtec GmbH offers you fiscal representation in Switzerland so that the VAT statement does not become a problem for you.

Coordination of companies and internal technicians

Hailtec GmbH has specialized in coordinating companies and technicians in such a way that there is only little time between the event and repair.
Contact us

You need support?


Alte Landstrasse 24
8863 Buttikon